
I’m constantly embarrassed by how much I like toys, but I find it more funny than anything else.

Just today I was at Target, gawking at Bionicles toys on display. As I looked at each figure behind the glass display, and picked up all of the cardboard boxes trying to suck in every last bit of detail, I realized how goofy the whole scene is. Not only am staring at pieces of plastic often recommended for a maximum age of 14 years old or so when I’m actually almost old enough to drink, but I’m throwing my small amount of disposable income away partially at this junk when I know full well I’d be happier without relying on material possessions and instead spending my energy on helping orphans or something. It’s ugly consumerism, baby, and I’m living in it.

It’s fun though, and I’m glad I spend time posting about it. 

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