I finally snagged a Pit Amiibo

I’m not a fan of any if the Kid Icarus games, but I have always really wanted to own the amiibo of the star of the series, Pit. He was restocked recently at Walmart, which allowed me to snag him online. I had it shipped to my home address rather than my college address, because that is the address attached to my PayPal; when you’re quickly trying to complete an online order, you don’t want to get fancy with addresses. 

So, it’s been at home for weeks. My family visited me this weekend, so I got my hands on him. 

I like him a lot! The detail on the wings is nice, and I think the decision to make the plastic bit holding him up light blue is a good one. Sometimes the color has seemed arbitrary and weird on other figures, like the infamous urine-yellow of the Link figure, but light blue makes sense for this flying character. 

Now, I really need to get my mitts on the Dark Pit figure; it is the only one that my friend Nick has that I don’t, and it is way cooler looking than the regular Pit. He chose to camp out at Best Buy; I didn’t.

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